Bear Bear Crossed Over
March 3, 2003 - February 16, 2018
Almost Summer
March 3, 2003 - February 16, 2018
My son and I have a huge hole in our hearts. Little Bear was much much more than just a pet, he was the best of friends, companion and family. I could him starting to decline the last two weeks of his life and was preparing myself to say goodbye. Never did I think he would suffer like he did leaving his world. We had horrific weather and I made him and Lady Bug a wide path with 2 clearings outside in the deep snow so they could do their business and get out a little bit. Anymore, Bear just wanted to go out and come in right away except for the day he passed. He had dug out a little spot near where he'd always lay and he just laid down and gazed into the sun. I gave him about 15 minutes and then went out and got him. A bit later he went out and did the same thing only this time it was by the gate. It was like he was saying goodbye and coming to terms with leaving us. I could feel it in him. Another thing he did was when sleeping under my bed, right under the side I slept on, he started keeping his head out. I really missed all the snuggles and him taking up most the room down by my feet..and tried over and over again to get him to stay on my bed or even up on the couch. After about 5 minutes he'd want down.. then he'd lay by my feet. Also, Lady Bug was waking my every hour on the hour! He didn't want anything and neither did she... guess it was just to check on him. She was like a little mama in her own way.
Earlier that day I had a plumber over with a rotter and knew it would scare him so I kept checking on him. Bear being blind and deaf, I knew the vibration would be scary. Every time I checked on him, he was doing good and acted like he could care less about the jarring in the house. I would have brought him out in the main area but the door was wide open and I'd have to hold him and that would have been impossible. He didn't like a lot of commotion. Anyway finally the plumbing was fixed!! This was a 2 week project and everything was a hot mess and I was exhausted. I fed Bear and Lady Bug and then got into my bed for a nap.. Lady Bug on her pillow and attempted again to have Bear stay up by me, but NOPE! Five minutes later he wanted down. He was fine! About 1/2 hour later I hear violent kicking, Lady Bug completely flipping out and I jumped out of bed and got down by Bear. He was in a grand maul seizure... I tried to comfort him and when he finally came out of it enough I was able to pull him out by me. Just as I did another grand maul! It wouldn't stop! I was frantic and my heart was aching seeing my best friend ever suffer and be scared. Why? Why did the best dog in the world have to suffer like this? My son came back and did what he could do to comfort Bear and me. Finally it stopped and I carried him out into the living area and just held him while calling my Vet.. I had to put him down to access him and he's was a BIG POM, 25 pounds of fluff! He kept favoring his left side then walked in circle to the left. My vet said to get him in ASAP! His brain tumor was out of control and once the blood work was done we found his diabetes out of control too. My Bear Bear was at the end of his journey here and completely exhausted. \My Little Bear was exhausted, tired and his energy screamed for peace. It broke my heart to see his this way. He fought a good fight but he was done.. his quality of life downhill all the way.
Loving him as much as I did I just couldn't be selfish and those last couple of weeks gave me the strength to do what needed done. I massaged him and made sure he knew how much I loved him and felt his Spirit leave his body... How heartbreaking. But he deserved rest and I know he's still near me. For sure on day last week he was under my bed! I kept hearing things roll under it and anything I drop in my room all goes right under my bed where he'd lay. I'll pop my head under there acknowledged him.. yep he's there. No Doubt!
Loving him as much as I did I just couldn't be selfish and those last couple of weeks gave me the strength to do what needed done. I massaged him and made sure he knew how much I loved him and felt his Spirit leave his body... How heartbreaking. But he deserved rest and I know he's still near me. For sure on day last week he was under my bed! I kept hearing things roll under it and anything I drop in my room all goes right under my bed where he'd lay. I'll pop my head under there acknowledged him.. yep he's there. No Doubt!
So my Big Little Bear has crossed over and I truly believe he is around me at times at home. Lady Bug has been a real baby since Bear moved on and isn't eating breakfast like she did. He had such a great impact on her life and instead of me training her with many things, he taught her. It was amazing! She a feisty one and gets temperamental at times and would just lunge at him. If it would have been another dog Bear would have attacked, but with her? He just walk away.. We all miss him.. Yesterday we had warm weather. In the 50's and 60's! In Chicago? In February! So my son and a friend buried him by a tree my son planted when he was little. He'll always be near us.
Thank You everyone for all your support and for checking in on my fur-baby. As soon as I can get a computer I'll be updating and posting new BLOGS. I'm at the local library today and thought Id take advantage of their computers. So until then... God Bless and Loving Energy to you and your pets.
Bear will have a candle light ceremony on
Bear will have a candle light ceremony on
Sunday, March 11, 2018 3:00 pm [-05:00]
at The countdown clock is on the side menu.
I encourage all pet owners with special needs or if your pet has crossed over to use this website. It's been a comfort for me. Please join me on March 11... God Bless
I encourage all pet owners with special needs or if your pet has crossed over to use this website. It's been a comfort for me. Please join me on March 11... God Bless
Almost Summer
I had to post this picture of Little Bear since that's seems to be his norm anymore. Even though I'm an early riser, like 5 am everyday, he'll come into my room and LOUDLY BARK till I get up and let him go outside. Normally I'd scold him and make him go lay back down, but that does not work! The Cushing's Disease can make him so anxious and I'd rather get up for a few minutes than make him suffer. So, Bear Bear gets his way. LOL Overall, he's really doing great considering all his health problems.
With the weather warming up, he was a hot mess! Literally. So I called my Groomer, Lisa, who's my Mobile Pet Groomer and has been his only groomer. She used to raise and breed Pomeranians and last year when he got his Lion Cut, she took the tail fur and made it into a bow and wrapped a little ribbon wrapped around it as a souvenir. She was amazed that he still had a full coat of fur and not sores or foul smell from the cushings disease and that he wasn't completely blind, but told me to prepare myself, that of all the Pommy's she'd seen, once they had Cushing Disease along with Canine Diabetes that they fail quickly. To expect his coat not to grow back and that he'd get those awful sores. Once she told me that I stepped up the massages and kept up with his diet. Even made some homemade dog treats from fresh venison and salmon! So when she saw him a couple of weeks ago, she was SHOCKED! She said he looked better than last year, other than his eyes and wanted to know what I was doing. I told her about a fatty tumor that started some time ago under his armpit and how it had grown up onto to his upper shoulder area and that I was massaging him more and he was now grain free and as organic and I could be with his food. What I didn't tell her was I researched energy medicine, the hands on type, not a zapper, although I wish I had one for him and me! I was going to try turmeric to get rid of them, but was concerned with his Diabetes and an open sore and opted to do the energy massages. After doing some self study, I'd get into a meditative mind set and start massaging him and banishing the tumor. It's now only under his armpit and much smaller than it was. Honestly, I'm not even sure that's what did it, but am so happy it's gotten better.
Overall, Little Bear has a great life but has another burden, arthritis, that stops him from taking his walks and now only goes in the stroller. Which he just loves! He's just chills. I had noticed that he was favoring the leg with the fatty tumor and then one day it looked like his are coming out of the socket! To the Vet we go! After 2 visits and an x-ray we discovered some bad arthritis in that leg and his walks got restricted to very short and has to take Rimadyl twice a day and when he's in bad pain with some Tramadol. It's really helped a lot, now to find the best price for the new RX! Anyway, I take him into the woods where I'll let him out to scout the area and take a whiz on a tree or bush. Then back into the stroller. Every day he gets to walk with me to the mailbox and to the neighbor's driveway and looks forward to his little escape. I always know when he wants to go, he'll go to the front door, which we never use unless we're driving or getting the mail. Animals are really amazing, aren't they?
The only other news is that I still doggy sit for the Sabbath, so he and Bear chill together and have peeing matches. Hilarious! And both neighbors have dogs now. One a Bichon Frise and the other is a Pommy!! So Bear and Sabs never get lonely for other puppy friends!
Well, that's about it for now. I want to apologize for not being as current with my updates and BLOG. I try, but when I'm going into pain flare ups and I can't seem to focus enough to write. Like Little Bear, it's like a roller coaster, but stay positive all the time. Thanks again for visiting and be sure to check out my ads. I try to only post ones that I believe in and buy myself. One last thing! I belong to BooKoo Online Garage Sales and all sales go to help Little Bear too! Check it out!
God Bless, Love and Light to All
God Bless, Love and Light to All
And the Holidays Are OVER!
I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years and that you got everything you asked for and can keep those New Years Resolutions, I know I'm trying to keep mine. We had a very quiet Christmas, actually we didn't have Christmas at all. It's just too expensive and most people just think about material things instead of the gift of giving. I did make a yummy Cuban pork dinner and some goodies and we enjoyed the day.
There is so much to tell everyone about Little Bear! We've both had a real rough winter. His hips and back legs have been bothering him a lot and my back and tailbone just won't quit! So when he's not doing well, I give him Tramadol and massages then we both wear our orgonite . The days I'm not well enough to do anything we'll snuggle up on the couch together and he'll soak up all his belly rubs and pampering.
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Little Bear gets company just about every week for a few days. My brother has a beautiful German Shepherd, Sabbath, he's still an adolescent so he's very playful. Little Bear tries to play with him on his good days. And when Bear Bear is having a rough time and I'm in another room or he's outside and gets stuck behind the garage, |
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Dog Booties |
I'm sure everyone has noticed the increase in food prices along with utilities. Well, they are ridiculous and it's getting harder and harder to live day to day. So I decided to make dog booties. Really for two reasons. First and most important is no matter what booties I get Little Bear, he either looses them or they slouch and make him trip. I found a pattern online and the lady said if you make them right, they will stay on your furbaby's paws even though they kick and play. So I went to the fabric store and bought remnants and whipped up a few pair and THEY STAY ON! And Little Bear just loves them, that's a plus! Yes, Sabbath got a pair to model and they even stayed on him! And he's a very active dog outside, jumping and fetching. When his paws hit the ground, it shakes! Second reason is to make a few dollars so if anyone is interested and needs a pair, email me at with DOG BOOTIES in the subject. They are very inexpensive and I can get to you asap!!
And the BIG NEWS! I am a great Aunt again. My niece gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
Meet my new niece, Skye Quinn, born January 19, 2015. She's an angel. And my niece is the perfect mommy! So you see it's been a very busy New Year!
Well, that's about it for now. I'm sorry this update posted before i could edit it, I really have n o idea why it did that. I'll have a new BLOG posted in a few days about Subliminal Messages, so check back.
Have a Happy & Healthy 2015!
And So Much Has Happened!
Yes, it's been a real adventure since I last updated Little Bears BLOG. He's had some up's and some down's. But overall he's done pretty good. Have to shout out a special thanks to Dimensional Sensations on Instagram for bartering with me for his Organite Collar! Not only is he getting good loving vibes and protection, but I am too with my goodies you see below. Be sure to check her out, she's an amazing person.
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Dimensional_Sensations on IGdimensional_sensations |
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About Little Bear started to have panic attacks from the Cushings Disease and it was hard to take him for his walks. Being blind is bad enough, but to see my little fur baby in pain and just not knowing where to put himself was just killing me inside. He'd start out okay, but not long after he'd be confused and his hips would sag. I'd have to carry him home and then I'd go into a flare up! That's when I saw her pet charm on her IG page! Now he's actually walked a mile a couple of times, it might take a long time, but there's no way I could do it either. As long as he takes his time we can both enjoy the hike. It's not fun if you're in a hurry. His favorite spot is still the I&M Canal Corridor. The trail is wide, lots of things to sniff and great sightseeing like The State Museum, the Gaylord Building where you can sit on the patio outside and order your pooch some goodies. I haven't done it but it's available. If you love to hike or bike, you can start at Rockdale and make your way to Starved Rock! |
He actually loves it and just sits there enjoying the weather. I suggest anyone with a disabled pup to get one. I was fortunate enough that someone donated his. And we've used it a lot! Funny how little kids just melt when they see a puppy in a stroller, it's priceless!
Oh Yeah! We had a new addition to our fur baby family! I was in my front yard doing my gardening and noticed a rabbits nest with 2 baby's. One of the baby's would pop out and circle me. He was so tiny! At the most a couple of inches. His mommy and daddy have been always in my backyard eating the clover along with another bunny that looked like an adolescent. Then one day all the bunnies were gone! All but the one brave baby. So I started setting out my scraps of veggies and a Tupperware lid that I put water in. He ate it and drank the water and started to get to know who I was. Then he started going in my backyard, I continued to give him the scraps and water. He even laid close to where Little Bear would be lying. At night he'd sleep by my back door. So I named him Rambo! He was a brave little baby! Perfect name! He discovered my garden and made a little cubby hole and would sleep in there under my marigolds and broccoli. I didn't mind until he got a bit bigger and would stretch up and EAT them!
Yep, he ate them all! He's been a real pleasure having him around and he's kept Bear company.
So, last Friday I was at my Dr and when I left I was in some nasty traffic on the main street when my car just STOPPED! I had brought Little Bear with me because it looked like it was going to storm again and my son was with me to sit with him. Thank God I always bring water, treats, his leash & puppy poop bags in case I stop to walk him... I bring whatever would make him comfortable if we had to stop for a while. I pulled over and nothing my son did would start my car. I had to call the insurance company for a tow. No problem... Would take just under an hour and there were some trees to sit under. It got unbearably HOT and HUMID! Well, an hour turned into 2 hours that turned into 3 hours! Even though I had all the comforts for Little Bear the stress it caused sent him into a HUGE FLAREUP along with me going into one too. He couldn't sleep, was panicking like crazy and was panting like a mad dog and his poor little hips were dragging. I had gone into a flare up and now with no sleep, I was getting much worse and since my pain Dr has taken away most of my breakthrough MEDS it's to the point that they barely help, I just had to suffer. But can't bear to see Little Bear in panicky fear and in pain too. Off to the Vet!
The Vet checked him out and said it was pain in his legs where he had the surgery and the Cushings Disease. He got another prescription... More money to spend. And my car? The timing chain. So stress has been just out of control in my house. But my Little Bear is feeling much better.
So, that's about it! I hope to keep this computer in working condition and hopefully Comcast doesn't do anything crazy like change my phone number and service again. Until next time... Thanks for all the support and next I'll be doing a new BLOG on something I hope you all find interesting.
The Vet checked him out and said it was pain in his legs where he had the surgery and the Cushings Disease. He got another prescription... More money to spend. And my car? The timing chain. So stress has been just out of control in my house. But my Little Bear is feeling much better.
Rambo is missing! Been 3 days now. I couldn't imagine where he'd go, he always comes back. Then last night when Bear was outside I heard Very Loud HOOTS! Like VERY VERY BIG OWLS! I went out and there was my pup looking up into the sky. He can't see, but knew something was happening. I quickly snatched him up and noticed that most of the hooting was coming from my Big Old Oak Tree! And across the creek. These owls were checking out my Little Bear! He's too big to carry away, but could have been hurt real bad. Then they flew over my house into the woods. These owls are no way native to our area, but are just HUGE! They were still there this morning so I went out with Bear Bear and he's been by my side since. Now I think I know what happened to Rambo. I pray he's just wandered off and met a mate, but I fear he's been dinner.
So, that's about it! I hope to keep this computer in working condition and hopefully Comcast doesn't do anything crazy like change my phone number and service again. Until next time... Thanks for all the support and next I'll be doing a new BLOG on something I hope you all find interesting.
Hmmm , Update time... it's about time!
Well, it's been months since I last BLOGGED and given an update on Little Bear and believe me, so much has happened in since then! My best friend in the whole world came over to visit one day and had visited my site here and wanted to know why I don't let my readers in on what my life is really like and well, all I can say is I'd rather try and succeed on my own than look like I'm either having a pity party or wanting handouts. I must say that if you really, really try and make a go of things, things will fall into place. Maybe not the way we'd like it to or the timing might be wrong, but with patience and being steadfast it'll work out.
So, I'll give you an idea what's been going on. My plumbing went out right before Thanksgiving and then again on Xmas Day! I mean it was a mess! It was my sewer pipes, and no they weren't frozen but old. It cost a small fortune for those to get back up and running. My washer overflowed then broke and my dryer broke. Got my dryer up and running, but the washer had to be replaced. My oven broke down on Xmas Day too! UNREAL! So everything got put back into the freezer. Got that fixed. Then, with the weather, freezing, -40 here, the ice was so thick in my gutters that my back door broke. Had to use a board and stuffed felt in between the door and the frame to keep the heat in. That made both my electric and heating bill go WAY up! Because of all the repairs I decided to turn off my cell, home phone, web and TV. We watched DVD's and read books. When I went to get my service turned back on they had to give me a temporary phone number that was supposed to be for only 3 days. Turned out to be over 2 months and the number they gave me belonged to another customer. It was a nightmare!!! I finally had to contact their corporate office and they fixed it and for all my troubles I got some discounts and freebies. Oh! I had an unexpected blessing too.. Really two. An old girlfriend stopped over with loads of awesome food, most was ORGANIC! Fresh veggies, fruit and lots of yummy organic chicken too! And did I need it. Another friend helped out with getting my things fixed. So with every pitfall there was a blessing and I'm forever grateful. So even though there were no holidays I was really blessed with some great friends and things worked out. It just took a few months.

On to Little Bear! He had a rough winter this year! It was so cold and thank God I had gotten him puppy boots on clearance a few years ago cause he would of been a sick pup with no paws left. Even with his fur coat he had to wear his little red parka! And he has loads of fur, even with the Cushings Disease. He really missed the long naps in the snow this winter and would go out quick and back in quick! Even with his boots on I'd have to rescue him once in awhile . His sight is worse too but does really good with getting around the yard and house. What can I say? He's one smart pom !
He turned 11 years old on March 3rd and had to spend the day at the doggy hospital for his annual testing and get his rabies shot. His insulin was increased one unit and the Lysodren stayed the same. Overall his labs and physical went pretty good for how sick he is and his age. They said whatever I'm doing keep it up. I just added Milk Thistle to his diet this week to try and keep his liver and pancreas cleaned out as much as possible and he's doing great on it so far. I also switched to only dried salmon for treats for not only the diabetes but his beautiful fur coat and his little legs and hips. He started limping a lot lately and with pins in both is back legs and his age I know Old Uncle Arthur is creeping in.
Now the weather has finally broke and I've been able to take him for a few walks. I tried to walk him around my neighborhood but he has a harder time with all the fences and well, it's a neighborhood. So I take him to his favorite trail by the I&M Canal, he does great there and actually takes a longer walk. I know the Cushings releases stress hormones and think when he walks around my neighborhood it just gets him too stressed. I had to pull out his old puppy stroller and have to get it repaired. He loves his walks and I like to take a longer walk when I can and it'll be perfect when it gets hot out.
So there you have it! Now if things will just go smooth for awhile so I can get back to feeling better and can get out in my garden and start planting my veggie/flower garden I'll be one very happy girl.

Thanks so much for checking in. Just an FYI, clicking on an advertisement helps keep my content free and helps pay for Little Bear's care. I'd be more than happy to exchange links with you. Just let me know.
So, it's Diabetes Awareness Month! Had to mention it. Be sure to check out my page on how to feed your fur-baby, it will not only prolong your pet's life but could save it to! Well, it's time for me to go outside and play in the leaves with Lil Bear. He love the leaves. And, thanks so much for visiting my BLOG, I really hope you like all my topics and that it keeps you well informed. If you have any ideas for a BLOG, just email me.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving....
I was just sitting here thinking about what my next BLOG would be and realized that my readers have no idea how my furbaby is doing with his diabetes and Cushing's disease. So I decided to do a page just for updates on Little Bear to keep all of you in the loop.
So I have had the realization that there is nothing I can do to help my baby get rid of his cataracts and see better other than a cure for his diabetes and I'm so grateful that Little Bear isn't blind! His vision is just a little bit worse and he seems to have adjusted. Well, at least most of the time. But has had other problems that
Once I got
This month it's been
Well, that's about it for now. I want to thank everyone for helping me out with my fur baby, it means so much to me. Living
Currently this is Little Bears diet:
And for his medications he is getting...
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$10 + per pill |
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$89 Vial $25 Box Syringes |
Novolin N $26 vs Humulin $85
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GNC Vitamis $12 - $15 |
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Little Bear |
So, It's confirmed, Little Bear is going blind! Yes, he needs more surgery and no, we don't have the money for it. The Vet said that with the Diabetes and Cushings Disease, that it's common to have your pup go blind rather fast due to Cataracts. He could have the laser
Well, here's a little treat for everyone. Thought I'd brighten up the day with one of my favorite animated videos. Paul McCartney and Wings
Oops! Forgot to let you all know that Little Bear's sugar is still too high and his insulin had to be increased to 9 units a day, twice a day. We'll keep you posted on any changes. Love n Light to All!

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